1. ‘Show Me the Money’: Like it or not, people often see the worst motives in others, even pastors and ministers. Some people think pastors are “hucksters” and “salesman” looking to push their product, raise money, and pass the plate! Enough examples of public leadership failures exist to confirm those negative suspicions. You however are unpaid and therefore a much more credible witness.
2. The ‘Scary Black Robe’
Factor: Stereotypes
often win out. Many unbelievers think of pastors as strange, alien
people—something like Jedi Knights from Star Wars. The robe and clerical collar
don’t help much. For this reason pastors are often perceived as unapproachable,
mysterious, and even intimidating. You however are a "normal" person. (Well, most of you anyway).
3. The ‘Dilbert’ Dynamic: Because pastors spend most
of their time crafting sermons in the study, working in the church, planning
meetings, fellowshipping among believers, or visiting hospitals, ministers
simply do not have as many “contacts” with unbelievers in the workplace. You
however live as a missionary in the cubicle and know dozens of unbelievers
4. Jargon: Your pastor is a trained
theologian and probably can’t help but think in theological constructs, even when
he tries to resist it. Put him in a room with an unbeliever for more than five
minutes, and a lecture on “Views of the Doctrine of Justification at the Time
of the Reformation” is likely to break out. You however can speak from
the heart because you can communicate very well without the hindrance of
technical terminology.
5. Life Change: Before your pastor joined
your church, he likely came from one of two places: the seminary (How weird does
that sound to the unbeliever! Might as well be Mars!) or else a previous
church. You however have people in your life that have seen the change
in you since you came to faith in Jesus Christ, and are therefore viewed as an authentic
living testimony of grace.
6. The Umbrella Affect: Whenever a pastor starts
talking, many people automatically put up a “sermon umbrella” and brace
themselves. They think to themselves, “Oh boy, here comes something religious.
Maybe I can remain inert long enough for him to think I’m dead, and he’ll just go
away.” His words roll off the unbeliever’s protective umbrella and fall harmlessly
to the floor. You however have the potential of uttering something truly
unexpected and therefore refreshing and invigorating to their dry soul.
7. The Bubble Boy: Your pastor probably feels
a lot of pressure to make others think that he and his family are as close to
perfect as possible. (I know I put a lot of that pressure on myself). Even
though that “angelic aura” is obviously false, sometimes pastors do a pretty good
job of convincing others that they are hyper-spiritual people who just came
down from Mt. Sinai. You however can live free
of pressures of perfection. In so doing, you can show unbelievers that
Christians have real problems, real struggles, real difficulties—and real hope
in Jesus Christ.
So, my friends, go share your faith! You are probably far more effective than you think.
So, my friends, go share your faith! You are probably far more effective than you think.
--Matthew Everhard is the Senior Pastor of Faith Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Brooksville Florida.