
Friday, May 18, 2012

A Poem for a Friend in Times of Trial

Through trials and tribulations
His mercy, grace sustains
In storm clouds and darkest night
He brings the gentle rains

Through many tribulations
of fire, sea, and sod
towards gates of greatest splendor
to Kingdom we must trod

Through many perturbations
of heart, and spirit, soul
with faces down, and hands held up
His glory stay our goal

Like Bunyan's pilgrim Christian
we 'midst Apollyon's lair
the precious face of Jesus
are bid to fix our stare

Endured the cross, despised its shame
our gentle Savior hung
copious blood and righteousness
alone our victory won

And though the world and devil
rage and bare their teeth
My Savior and His cross have won
the victor's crown and wreath

Matthew Everhard is the Senior Pastor of Faith Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Brooksville, Florida. Follow him on Twitter @matt_everhard

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