
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Review of 'Hold Fast the Faith.' By Jon Marko, PH.D.

Hold Fast the Faith by Matthew Everhard

Pastor Matthew Everhard’s Hold Fast the Faith: A Devotional Commentary on the Westminster Confession of 1647, has much to commend. His idea to write a commentary on the Westminster Confession a few years ago was interesting, but to go further and write it for use in devotions makes it all the more intriguing. His vision came to life and we are now blessed with an enriching devotional guide through the Westminster Confession.

This book’s readers will be edified by this wonderful devotional commentary. This book is nicely balanced, engaging both the heart and the mind and compelling us to act. The Westminster Confession was not just written to set theological boundaries, but primarily as a guide to help pious Christians glorify the holy Trinity and enjoy Him. It was for pilgrims on the journey with Christ. Hold Fast the Faith treats the confession for what it is and what it was intended to be. This book will prove theologically and historically orienting for not only Reformed and Presbyterian readers, but also for the innumerable “Calvinist” evangelicals that find many affinities with that tradition. 

Moreover, the book is well-organized, biblically grounded, and historically informed. Also, it is definitely accessible and will be edifying to the new and the old in the faith. And, although the aim of the book is personal devotion, it can easily be used in a variety of settings such as small groups. Its format and design makes it very manageable and each chapter is nicely a stand alone unit. The Christian community will be blessed to have another work of Everhard on their shelves.

Professor Jon Marko PH.D. Professor of Philosophy and Theology at Cornerstone University. 


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